Eliminating Varicose Veins With Vascular Surgery At VenoLase

by | Oct 11, 2013 | Cosmetic and Plastic

Vascular Disease occurs when the blood does not circulate properly through the veins, arteries and capillaries. This disease leads to serious health issues including: heart attacks, stroke and disability. Symptoms include leg cramps, color changes in the skin and wounds that will not heal. Venolase Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Vein Treatment Center diagnoses and treats vascular disorders. Doctors use three tests to make a diagnosis:

*     Ankle Brachials Index-measures blood flow to the arms and legs, and detects blockages

*    Peripheral Arterial Disease-arterial ultrasound of the arms and legs shows blood flow and can detect vein thrombosis.

*    Carotid and Abdominal Aorta Ultrasounds-detects narrowing of the arteries and heart abnormalities.

Many of the Center’s patients have varicose veins, and may need Vascular Surgery at VenoLase. Varicose veins are large, thick veins that look like ropes. Varicose veins happen when blood is not circulating properly from the lower leg to the heart. The valves in the legs do not work properly, and blood flows away from the heart. The veins in the legs get too full, they grow and pop up. The main causes include heredity, obesity, pregnancy, age and standing for extended periods of time. Varicose veins continue to grow and are very painful. Years ago, the only treatment available was to surgically remove the vein. This procedure is done in the operating room, under anesthesia.

Patients come to the Center for a free consultation, and the physician determines the best treatment. Vascular Surgery At VenoLase is minimally invasive. It’s done in the physician’s office, in less than an hour. A thin laser fiber is placed inside the bad vein. The physician directs laser energy through the fiber, and the vein closes. Most patients report feeling little or no pain with this procedure. Some patients may have to undergo ambulatory phlebectomy. This procedure is also minimally invasive, and performed in the physician’s office. Large varicose veins are removed using a series of miniature incisions. Recovery time is about two weeks after Vascular Surgery at VenoLase. The leg is wrapped with an ace bandage, and patients have to keep it elevated for 24 hours. If you are worried about varicose veins, call the Center today.


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