Hospitals according to us
A trip to a hospital is feared by practically every person except for those working in the medical field of course. Hospitals, despite of it’s scary image, is truthfully the best man-made thing that could ever exist on the face of the earth. A career in the medical line can prove to be very challenging, yet immensely fruitful and promising. However hospitals apart from performing life saving miracles seem to possess some drawbacks, apart from the fear and cost factor, that are of potential concerns.
A careless problem
One of the main foundations of any hospital is medication. The right medication can get you back to your normal healthy self in no time. But what happens if there is an overdose of this medication. Hospitals possess medicines that are so powerful in nature that they are not available at your local chemist, even by prescription. Patients who consume certain medications in excess are liable to harm themselves to huge extents that sometimes it may even be fatal. Unfortunately, the staff members in most hospitals pose to be very careless when providing a prescription is concerned as they might sometimes provide the patients with an overdose of their required medication or may be even the wrong one. This may result in a number of side effects which may make them suffer from further medical conditions. These individuals however are entitled to compensations from the hospitals in which these mishaps occur. Here is where the reputation of the hospital gets thrown n the dumps. Strict measures should be taken from the hospitals part and also patients are advised to be a bit more alert towards such problems as they can be avoided.