How Often Should You Take Your Pet to the Vet?

by | Sep 27, 2017 | Veterinary

Have you just adopted a new pet? Are you unsure how often you should take your pet to the vet? Your dog or cat needs checkups in order to remain healthy. Depending on the age of your pet, they may need different services.

Puppies or Kittens

If you have recently adopted a puppy or kitten, you should bring them to your veterinarian until they are 16 weeks, and they require a visit about every 4 weeks. They can begin heartworm treatment at this age. It can also be important to give them a medication to prevent fleas and ticks whether it is a liquid applied to them or a preventative collar.


When your pet becomes an adult, it is typically recommended to take them for a yearly checkup. Your pet can receive a physical from the veterinarian, and this professional may also take a sample of blood to be sure that your pet does not have heartworms. With a physical, a vet in Bucktown can check for any other problems that may be detected. Booster shots for rabies and distemper-parvo are given within the first year, but then they are given again about every three years after the first year checkup. If you are wondering how often your pet should receive rabies shots, you can check with your state law. Cats can continue to get vaccines for feline leukemia, and dogs can continue to receive vaccines to avoid problems such as a kennel cough. Your veterinarian can check for parasites within the intestines of your pet if you bring in a stool sample.


It is suggested that senior pets visit a veterinarian twice a year for checkups. They can receive vaccinations when your veterinarian suggests and can be tested for any problems. If you are worried about a declining liver or kidney in your older pet, your veterinarian may perform urine and blood tests. If you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior or routine, you should see a veterinarian as this may be a sign of a problem.

If you are looking for a vet in Bucktown, Village West Veterinary can provide you with the services that your pet needs. V

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