A psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. This also includes emotional disorders and substance abuse disorders. Psychiatrists in Beaverton Oregon are qualified to assess the mental and physical aspects of their patients as they have completed several years of formal medical training and psychiatric residency. Most psychiatrists also sit for an optional examination after their psychiatric residency to become board-certified psychiatrists. They are usually re-certified every 10 years.
Psychiatrists deal with many parties such as the patient, family members, and community-based facilities. They also work in a variety of settings. Some of these places include hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, prisons, the military, rehabilitation centers, and schools. Most psychiatrists also maintain private practices.
A psychiatrist is often confused with a psychologist. The difference between the two is in their educational background. A psychiatrist is trained formally in the medical field while a psychologist is trained in psychology which is the study of the mind. Hence, a psychiatrist is able to prescribe medications, while a psychologist is not. However, the two often work closely with one another.
Besides their basic formal medical training, most psychiatrists in Beaverton Oregon further their studies according to the specializations they choose. The many psychiatric fields include child and adolescent psychiatry; addiction psychiatry; pain medicine; sleep medicine; forensic psychiatry; geriatric psychiatry; and psychoanalysis. Some psychiatrists focus solely on research. As patients suffer from a variety of disorders, psychiatrists work closely with one another to ensure that their patients can be referred to a more suitable psychiatrist should the occasion arise.
The type of treatment given by the psychiatrists in Beaverton Oregon varies according to their patients’ needs. Generally, treatments involve psychotherapy and medication. In psychotherapy, a talking relationship is developed between the therapist and the patient. It is also known as talk therapy. The duration of this treatment varies according to individuals and may take any time between a few weeks to a few years.
Medication is prescribed to help balance the hormones affecting the brain chemistry. It is usually used in tandem with psychotherapy. However, the effects of the medication will have to be monitored from time to time as each patient responds differently to certain medications. Besides psychotherapy and medication, psychiatrists may use other treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy and nerve stimulation.
Many who recognize the spiritual nature of man insist that a faith-based approach to solving these human dilemmas is vital. Many professional mental health practitioners and Christian ministers alike agree that a significant behavioral and emotional change for the better is possible after a person has willingly accepted Christ and the power accompanying His redeeming work within the individual. Many biblically and faith-based programs and ministries offer this hope.
Psychiatrist Beaverton Oregon – Schedule an appointment with an experienced and qualified Psychiatrist at Cedar Hills Hospital, Beaverton to know about diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders.