To gauge the mental health status of an individual, a doctor, psychologist or other health care professional is called in to make a mental health assessment. This is done by subjecting the patient to a series of tests. These tests may or may not be 100% accurate in diagnosing the mental behavior of a person; usually the results are no more than a snap-shot of the mental health of the person at that moment in time. As the tests are repeated the snap-shot will be different, but although no single set of tests are conclusive, they can signify that the person has issues with his or her mental health in Illinois.
When a mental health assessment is undertaken there may be several parts to it, including a routine physical examination to determine if there are any physical issues that can be seen as having an impact on the thinking or behavior of the patient. The physical exam will usually include a blood test and MRI or an electroencephalogram if a brain injury is suspected.
The doctor often uses the time during the physical test to ask the patient about any stress that they may have at work or home, any health problems in the recent past or any perceptible change in behavior. The doctor may also ask leading questions to help determine the state of mind of the patient, a simple question such as who is the President. A concern of those involved with mental health Illinois is the chance that their patient may be suicidal. The doctor will question the patient, finding out if there has ever been an attempt at committing suicide or if there are thoughts of suicide. Although these are awkward and difficult questions to ask and answer, they are all keys in determining the most effective treatment.
Prior to undergoing this physical assessment, the patient will be asked to fill out a questionnaire that focuses on the person’s current mental state. This questionnaire may include asking the state of anxiety felt, any feelings of depression or if the individual hears or sees things that others don’t.
Once the questionnaires have been completed the therapist may take a few days to make a diagnosis of the patient’s mental health in Illinois, however, a preliminary diagnosis can be made sooner if the need is pressing and immediate treatment is required.