The Benefits of Infidelity Psychotherapy in NYC

by | Jan 7, 2014 | Health

The experience of infidelity can be overwhelming which is why many partners consider infidelity psychotherapy in NYC. Many couples who discover infidelity in their relationship are left feeling devastated, lonely, confused, betrayed and aggrieved.

These intense emotions can affect both partners and cause a major strain on the relationship. No one can deny that extra marital affairs are very common today. People vow that they are going to remain true to their partner but often they fail to keep their word.

* One of the main goals of infidelity psychotherapy is to allow the couple to decide on whether they want to continue with the relationship or take a step back. In case the couple chooses to remain united, the therapist will respect this decision and help them to discover how to work on their relationship. According to statistics, many couples have chosen to remain united even after one or more affairs. They simply seek infidelity psychotherapy in NYC to help them get their relationship back on track.

* Infidelity psychotherapy in NYC can also help each partner to express their emotions and needs with ease. During the therapy sessions, couples will be given the opportunity to see more clearly what they are lacking from their relationship and understand each other better. Infidelity psychotherapy will guide partners through the healing process after the experience of betrayal.

* During therapy, each partner is given an opportunity to convey their level of commitment in the relationship. Most couples experience a strain in their relationship because they failed to verbalize their level of commitment to each other. By making the other partner understand just how committed you are to the relationship, it helps to repair the lost trust.

* Infidelity psychotherapy can help a couple avoid potential pitfalls that may strain their relationship in the future. The therapist will help the couple to foresee those temptations and habits that may lead to infidelity and advice on how to avoid them.

* Most importantly, infidelity psychotherapy in NYC can help couples discover the true nature of their relationship. There are so many therapeutic approaches practiced today. However, most therapists will advise a couple to reconsider staying together if there are clearly signs of an unhealthy relationship like repeated affairs and emotional abuse.

It is unfortunate that most people who experience infidelity will think of it as a failure on their part. Infidelity psychotherapy can help a partner work through those feelings and get a different perspective of the whole situation. Visit Linda Charnes, LMFT for more information.

Infidelity psychotherapy in NYC can help couples discover the true nature of their relationship. For more information visit the website or like us on Facebook.

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