Cosmetic procedures have grown in popularity due to culture emphasis on beauty. Liposuction in CT is among the most popular cosmetic procedures. Liposuction is a technique that surgically takes off extra fat on the body. The procedure has made many advancements since its introduction in 1979. A patient underwent surgery similar to a c-section which made recovery times longer. Now, it can be done as an outpatient procedure. A common area for removing fat is the stomach, but it can also be done on the chin, hips, back, and neck. There are some things you should know about liposuction.
Traditional liposuction requires you to be under general anesthesia. A fluid called lidocaine is injected under the skin to be removed. Another substance called Epinephrine will be added to the lidocaine to reduce bleeding. The surgeon inserts a tube called a cannula which is connected to a strong vacuum This tool removes the fat from skin. Another kind of liposuction is done with ultrasound technology. This technique uses the cannula to send vibrations through the body that attack fat cells and convert them to liquid so they can be suctioned. Ultrasound liposuction reduces the amount of blood loss. It can be done externally or internally. External liposuction uses an emitter over the skin surface. Internal ultrasound liposuction applies a small cannula under the skin surface.
After the procedure, you have to compression garment along with bandages. These things are necessary to stop bleeding and to help hold shape. The bandages are commonly worn for around two weeks and the compression garment has to be worn for several weeks after bandages It is important that you take a person with you during surgery for outpatient procedures since you could still feel affects of he anesthesia. Healing may take several weeks and you should expect some pain. This can be treated with prescribed medicine.
You will have to meet certain criteria before you undergo liposuction. A patient usually has to be in good health and at least 18 years old. Before the surgery, you will consult with a plastic surgeon who gives you a thorough examination. Never hesitate to ask questions. While liposuction in CT can reshape your body, you need to know everything you can. Visit Connecticut Surgical Arts, LLC for more information.