Warning Signs You Need to See the Dentists in Milwaukee, WI

by | Nov 8, 2013 | Dental Health

There are many reasons people see their dentists each year. One of the most important reasons is for preventative care. This type of care offers cleanings and exams and X-rays so the dentist can find any issues in your teeth and gums so they can be treated. Though most people know they need to see the dentist for the optimum health of their teeth, some people end up putting off their dental appointments and soon find themselves suffering from different dental conditions. It is important to understand the signs of dental problems so they can be treated promptly. Without prompt treatment from the Dentists in Milwaukee, WI, you could suffer with damage to your teeth and gums and even tooth loss.

What are the Warning Signs You Need to See Your Dentist?

Pain — Pain is your body’s way of sending a warning message something is wrong. Many people ignore their pain altogether or swallow an aspirin and think this takes care of the problem. When you are experiencing dental pain, it could mean you have an infection, a cavity or have a tooth injury. In all of these cases, it is important to seek dental care so you can get to the root of the problem, clearing up the issue and getting rid of your pain.

Swelling — When swelling occurs in the jaw or the gums, this normally means you are suffering from gum disease or an infection in the gums or the tooth. When this occurs, it is vital you seek treatment right away. Diseases and infections of the gums have been known to cause heart problems. At the very least, you could suffer from tooth loss. If you notice your gums are swelling, red, tender or bleeding, contact your dentist and make an appointment right away.

Injuries — Though most people seek their dentist office for treatment for an tooth injury, some avoid being seen because they mistakenly believe nothing can be done for the damage. If you have a broken, chipped or even knocked out tooth, the dentist may be able to repair and save your tooth, if you are seen in time.

There are other symptoms you should look for as well. If you are noticing any of these issues or other dental issues, do not delay in getting treatment. Contact the office of Joseph A Schell and make your appointment right away. To know more visit us at Domain.


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