There’s no denying that life today is pretty hectic. Today’s fast-paced world tends to leave people worn, tired, and sick. Is it any wonder that vitamins and supplements tend to sell out really fast? Everyone is clamoring and thirsting for that sound mind and body that will help them through the toughest everyday challenges. Private label vitamins have become popular because of their relatively cheaper price at no loss to effectiveness and potency.
With a lot of them out there, how do you make your brand of supplements stand out? Sure, marketing and advertising go a long way towards encouraging people to purchase you over the competition. But when it goes right down to the line, what might set you apart from the competition is the way you package your products. Here are a few talking points to get you started:
Keep It Simple
It’s a common mistake for people who start out with a new product to use far too much color on their packaging to catch their consumer’s attention. While colors can get attention, a nasty side effect of this kind of packaging is that it is terribly painful on the eyes.
On the other side of the argument is oversimplification. Packaging design that is too simple is often perceived as being too cheap—or worse, fake. This is especially true for private label vitamins and supplements where plain white boxes give off the wrong kind of vibe with consumers.
There is a balance to be struck, as the most successful vitamin and supplement packaging balances the purity of white with the catchiness of a color or two. But keep it at one or two colors.
Smiles Sell
If you’re selling a wellness supplement or product, it helps to put someone smiling on the packaging. Preferably, this should represent the average demographic you are targeting. Memory supplements might feature a smiling grandfather looking happy and content.
This smile connects with an audience seeking to find joy and relief in the vitamin and supplement you are selling—and who doesn’t want to find happiness and joy in life? Again, the key is to sell this as simply as you can. A model who looks relatable and simple is a good choice so as to subconsciously relay the message of approachability.
Honest and Accurate Information
A lot of wellness products sell their vitamins and supplements like they are some ultimate cure. As appealing as this is, it’s far from true. Vitamins and supplements help us feel and be better, but they work over time and not instantaneously. When it comes to private label vitamins, promising something you can’t deliver might give you fast sales, but only a few will come back to make another purchase.
In the end, it’s about honesty. You might be tempted to spout all manner of poetic promises, but it’s better to stick to facts and simple details. That will help you find loyal customers and sell more in the long run.