Most people are familiar with the concept of an acute care hospital. This is where patients are brought to by ambulance when an emergency strikes. It is also the medical center where people report to have a variety of surgery procedures, give birth or receive various types of therapy.
It is the dream of every family member, nurse and physician, that each patient will be able to walk out of the hospital within a short period of time. In most scenarios, this is true. For those patients who are seriously ill, there may also be a sub-acute care or convalescent care center where they can recover more slowly.
However, there are patients with terminal illnesses that will never recover sufficiently to leave the hospital. There are also hospital patients that return home, not to fully recover but to die in peace in their own bed. This is the goal of hospice care, to make sure the sickest patients are able to transition as is their desire.
While in hospice care, patients are still given medical assistance. They are not purposely poked and prodded for blood tests. Nor are they asked to wake up early in the morning. Palliative care is defined by that care which allows terminally ill patients to pass peacefully in their own time. These patients can eat if they feel like it, or not. They are kept out of pain while being helped to sleep or simply pass the time away on their own.
Families and individuals need to know more about our palliative care program for patients both at the hospital and at home. Services are provided by nurses who have been trained in how a hospice gently works with patients. There are additionally counseling services, so family members can better understand how to make their loved one comfortable on their last days.
Serenity Hospice and Palliative Care advises patients to know more about our palliative care program for terminally ill men and women. There are descriptions and photos available online . Should anyone be unsure about this difficult topic, the staff welcomes questions from the general public.