Why You Should Skip the Tweezers and Try Microblading Instead

by | Aug 21, 2018 | Beauty

Even if you don’t subscribe to all the latest beauty trends, most women still pluck or wax their eyebrows as part of their grooming regime. Not only are both of these methods a little bit on the painful side, they also leave a ton of room for error. One tiny tremor while applying wax or plucking an errant hair can spell disaster for the shape of your brow. Which results in the need of cosmetics to cover up that bald patch you are now sporting. While there are some women who make the time to visit the salon every other week, it’s simply not possible for everyone.

Over Plucking Your Eyebrows Can Alter Their Shape

Additionally, the plucking can easily get away from you and many women suffer the consequences of over-plucking that usually occurred when they were younger. This alters the natural shape and arch of your eyebrow and creates straight lines above your eyes. This of course can be corrected with cosmetic products but even then, you need to know exactly how to use the products to achieve a natural look. Professionals like those found at Amanda May Beauty utilize techniques like Microblading to offer a semi-permanent fix to your eyebrow mishaps.

Save Your Self A Lot of Time and Frustration with Microblading

This technique is essential a tattoo for your eyebrows and allows experts to perfectly shape and fill in your brows. Not only will it create a more polished look even when you are not wearing makeup it also saves you loads of time and wasted money on products that you don’t know how to use or that don’t work. Any woman who has had to line their eyebrows in a rush knows that it isn’t the best idea they have ever had. If you are interested in booking an appointment for microblading in Beachwood, OH contact the professionals at Amanda May Beauty today. They can help you restore the natural beauty of your eyebrows, and help you feel more confident in as little as one to two hours.

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