What To Expect From Physical Therapy In Draper

by | Aug 13, 2013 | Health

physical therapy in Draper is provided for individuals who have suffered an injury or undergone surgical procedures that require physical therapy to recover fully. This form of therapy requires the patient to progress slowly back to full mobility based on an exercise program used to recondition muscles. These programs are designed by physical therapists who have studied recovery methods that are used following surgery and injuries.

Your Initial Consultation

During a consultation with a physical therapist, your condition is evaluated. The physical therapist makes recommendations based on the current condition of the injured area. These recommendations consist of your options that you may receive after entering into a physical therapy program. He or she will design a program that is specific to your personal case and will benefit you.

Introduction to the Program

On the first day of physical therapy, you may experience pain and become fearful. This is normal and often associated with the beginning of a program designed to help you physically. It is easy to become frustrated if you do not see immediate results. In times like this, your physical therapist will guide you and encourage you to continue the program.

Monitoring Your Progress

In a physical therapy in Draper program, your assigned physical therapist will monitor your progress throughout your program. He or she will provide you with updated information as you reach specific milestones within this therapy. Your therapist may offer rewards for meeting these milestones as incentives or motivation for you to push beyond your limits. He or she will record all of your progress in your file and present this information to you as needed.

Completion of a Physical Therapy Program

As you approach completion of your assigned physical therapy program, your therapist will inform you of any exercises or tasks that you should continue after therapy is concluded. Chances are these exercises or tasks will ensure that you recover fully from your injury or surgery. You are discharged from physical therapy once all of your milestones are met, and your condition has significantly improved. After physical therapy, you will more than likely visit your primary-care physician for a follow-up appointment.


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