Somehow when you were in your twenties, you never imagined your life at forty. Here you are with a kid or three, a house in Coconut Creek and car payments, a career that keeps you going forty plus hours a week, older parents, more responsibilities and less time than ever before. You’re tired, and who wouldn’t be?
What if taking thirty minutes just a few times a week could make you less tired and healthier?
One of the biggest myths is that to get in shape, you need to spend hours at the gym and who – aside from a physical trainer – can afford to do that? In 30 minutes, working with a certified personal trainer, you can learn a fun exercise routine that will keep you coming back for more. More than that you can learn about how to develop a good diet with nutrition that keeps you satisfied in terms of hunger and delivers results.
Step One: See Your Doc!
Before you start working out with your physical trainer in Coconut Creek, there’s one thing you need to do. See your family doctor for a physical. Why? A complete physical lets you know if there are any issues such as asymptomatic cardiac problems – also called “silent” cardiac disease – that would require intervention, monitoring, or a different approach by your personal trainer. Silent cardiac issues may not present until they are acute but getting in shape is some of the best protection that you can give your heart.
Step Two: Thirty Minutes to Wow!
You don’t have to live at the gym to look great and get healthy. You don’t need to rearrange your life around getting in shape – you already have a life! Instead, give yourself time each day to take care of yourself, and live your best life. You’ll be surprised at the evident difference just a short time.
1: The link leads to an article in Men’s Health but this goes for women, too!