Unless you are someone who does not like the thought of someone touching your feet, chances are pretty good you would agree that getting a foot massage sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately, actually getting a foot massage is not a very easy task. Even when someone is in a relationship, their partner would probably rather rub their back than their feet. You can, however, get a Foot massage Services in Oahu HI as well as other therapeutic massages at Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage. The massage services that this establishment offers includes:
* Foot
* Combination
* Deep Tissue
* Shiatsu
* Sports
* Thai Yoga
* Hot Stone Treatments
Getting a Foot massage Oahu HI can be both sensual and relaxing. After a long and stressful day, a good foot massage is an effective way to release tension from the body. In addition to relaxing the muscles in your feet, it is going to relax your entire body.
According to reflexology, which is the technical term used to refer to foot massages, the end of your big toe is the pressure point for your head. This means that when pressure is applied temporarily to this point on your foot, it can reduce headaches. Studies show that the application of pressure on the end of your big toe on your right foot will get rid of a migraine that has formed on the opposite side of your head. The exact point where pressure needs to be applied to the foot does vary depending on where a person’s head hurts.
Foot massages can also be good for sinus problems as well. Someone with chronic allergies and sinus infections is no stranger to the pains of a sinus induced headache. Applying pressure to the joint below each toe on a person’s foot at the same time can provide relief from sinus headaches.
The next time you suffer from aches and pains, you might consider getting a foot message instead of rushing to the medicine cabinet for some pain killers. One of the biggest perks to getting a massage on your feet is the fact that it is all-natural and that it feels good. You certainly have nothing to lose when it comes to getting this kind of massage.
Visit Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage to know more.