Why Not Make Yoga a Regular Part of Your Life?

by | May 19, 2015 | Health And Fitness

Modern life is frequently hectic, resulting in many of us trying to juggle packed schedules and attempting to satisfy the demands which work, home and family place on us. Over time this often leads to burn out and a range of unpleasant health problems such as anxiety, insomnia, poor posture and unexplained aches and pains. Frequently what’s needed isn’t a trip to the doctors for potions and pills, but rather a thorough lifestyle overhaul in order to begin living in a more health conscious way. Yoga is one of a selection of interventions which can make a real positive difference to well-being, bringing lasting benefits to those who practice it regularly.

What is yoga?

Essentially, yoga is a mix of physical activity designed to increase flexibility, breathing control and mental discipline with a strong spiritual element. There are numerous styles of yoga, with some being more strenuous than others. Therapeutic yoga may be a single style, or a mixture of different styles, combined to produce optimal results. Generally, yoga is learned on an individual or small group basis, providing plenty of opportunity for the instructor to offer tailored support.

The Benefits of Yoga

There is evidence yoga can help relieve a number of debilitating health conditions, including asthma, lower back pain and heart disease. Regular practitioners can also experience enhanced mental well-being, less anxiety and depression, and a greater ability to control their stress levels. In addition yoga can play a powerful role in enhancing spinal health, contributing to improved nervous function which enhances whole body well-being. Yoga taught at the Living Well Balanced Center in the Upper West Side can completely transform mental and physical health for the better.

Far More Than a Physical Discipline

The mental and spiritual benefits which yoga can produce are important reasons why so many people regularly practice this discipline. Because 21st Century life is so demanding, yoga provides a great opportunity to regain some inner balance and increase the mind and body’s ability to deal with the challenging circumstances which everyday life frequently bring.

When undertaken as part of a package of measures designed to improve health and provide a greater sense of well-being, Upper West Side yoga at the Living Well Balanced Center can bring significant beneficial effects. To find out more about the holistic therapies, fitness and nutritional advice which this well-known provider of complementary interventions offers.

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