In a professional field like pharmacy inventory services, accuracy counts. QIS has had that belief since 1976, when the company was founded. During the years, they’ve grown in experience and technical expertise. And they’ve learned more than a couple things in the process. Here are a few examples of the knowledge QIS has gained and is able to put to work for you.
Every Pharmacy Is Different
At QIS, they value the fact that your inventory needs are unique. They have a list of long term clients, each with vastly different challenges, and they’ve grown as a result these partnerships. For example, they can offer a full selection of output formats for your inventory results. If you have a format you want, contact us or fill out an inquiry form on our website. QIS also knows that different clients focus on different aspects of their counts. As a result, they offer custom reports and additional data exports free of any extra charges or fees.
Accuracy Counts
Since 1976, QIS has been providing the most accurate inventory management solutions available. Quality Inventory Services uses portable computers to process your inventory data as soon as it is captured, right on site. That means you can get a quick view before final reports are generated. As specialists in in university & public hospital systems, QIS also subscribes to the Electronic Redbook. That means that those pesky price vs. pack size errors are never an issue. Another measure they employ to ensure precision is using the NDC. All inventory is counted, not just what’s behind a wholesaler’s shelf label. It’s all part of the deep commitment of QIS to the accuracy of your count.
Staying Current Is Staying in Business
Back in 1976, QIS used pencil and paper counting on custom forms to do the job. As technology advanced, so did the bookkeeping methods. It’s important to get inventory results to clients in the form that’s most useful to them while maintaining accuracy. In addition to being able to accommodate all kinds of output files, QIS can also handle various formats of incoming data. We’re always up for a challenge, so contact us and let us know what types of formats are best for you. You’ll get a full set of information about our capabilities and various pharmacy inventory services.
The Benefits of Experience
QIS wouldn’t be where they are now without the quality relationships they’ve built with clients who have depended on their services through the years. As they continue to develop alongside the advancements in technology, QIS will continue to deliver the most reliable and effective pharmacy inventories available. Like Quality Inventory Services on Facebook for frequent news & updates!