Signs You Need to Make an Appointment With the OBGYN in Norman OK

by | Jun 3, 2016 | Health

It is important a woman sees her gynecologist on a regular basis. A yearly exam can help to protect a woman’s reproductive health. There are also times a woman may need to see the OBGYN in Norman OK outside of her normal appointment time. With this information, women can be proactive and know when they need to call for an appointment.

     *     Pelvic pain and discomfort in the abdomen could be signs of problems. Ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy, and uterine fibroids can all cause pain. Pain in the pelvic area could also mean there is an infection present. The OBGYN can conduct testing to find the cause of the pain so it can be treated.

     *     If a woman begins bleeding between her periods, this can mean a serious health issue is to blame. While minimal spotting should not necessarily warrant overwhelming alarm, a woman does need to keep track of her periods and report any changes that occur to her doctor so her health can be evaluated.

     *     When a woman has heavy periods, she could have a uterine or hormone condition that needs to be checked. It is especially important to be checked if the blood is flowing at such a high rate as to make a woman change her pad or tampon every hour.

     *     A missed period could mean there is a pregnancy, or it could mean hormonal changes, such as occur during menopause. A lack of a period needs to be brought to the attention of the doctor, especially if a woman usually has normal periods.

     *     Should a woman begin experiencing abnormal discharge, she needs to be examined. Foul smelling, oddly colored, or increased discharge likely mean an infection has set in that needs to be treated.

     *     When sex becomes painful, a woman needs to be examined. A pelvic exam can reveal what is causing the pain so it can be treated properly.

If you are experiencing any of these issues, it is important you are seen by an OBGYN. You can get more information here. With a prompt appointment, your OBGYN can find the cause of your symptoms and offer you prompt treatment.

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