Controlling the Pain Between Visits to Your Chiropractor

by | Oct 16, 2015 | Health

Visiting a chiropractic clinic for back and neck treatment is one of the most beneficial steps that you can take to get your health back on track. However, if you’re like most people, you’ve likely recognized that the treatment process takes time and in between visits, you may still feel a significant amount of pain. Rather than wait until your next visit to get the help and support that you need, there are a few great pain management remedies that you can implement right at home.

More Water and Less Caffeine

Most people don’t realize it, but hydration does have a significant affect upon pain. Those who are undehydrated and caffeinated tend to experience more severe back and neck pain. The extra caffeine in the body acts as a diuretic, dehydrating the body even more. As a result, if you want to easily mitigate the pain, it’s advisable to keep yourself as hydrated as possible by drinking a lot of water.

Lower Inflammation with Healthy Foods

Processed foods are not only known to be significantly unhealthy, but they also cause inflammation. The inflammation can be especially significant if you are suffering from back and neck injuries because it tend to exacerbate the pain. Instead of consuming processed foods, you should opt for foods that are natural, high in omega-3, and low in sugar. By making this easy swap, you’ll be able to feel healthier and more importantly, manage the pain.

Yoga and Meditation

The beneficial effects of yoga and meditation on your mental and physical health cannot be underestimated. Those who perform yoga and meditate at least three days per week reported a significant reduction in pain. The reason behind this is that certain yoga postures tend to decrease stress on the body, which then mitigates muscle spasms and pressure.

Maintain Good Posture

Lastly, you can develop an at home pain management routine by keeping up with good posture. Similar to yoga and meditation, good posture reduces stress on the body and alleviates pressure on the muscles. For optimal posture, you want to keep your head up and your spine as straight as possible during the course of the day. If it helps, sit against a chair that doesn’t recline or lean against a wall for a few minutes. With this step and those above, you’ll be well on your way to managing your pain. To know more visit Business Name. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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