Hypertension is the most important risk reason for strokes. It is also one of the main risk factors associated with heart disease. Arterial hypertension is high blood pressure in the arteries, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood. It is significant for people to get their blood pressure checked frequently by a Medical Care Clinic in HI, especially if there is a history of health issues.
Facts about blood pressure
A person’s blood pressure is measured when determining the pressure on arterial walls. The reading obtained is based on the body’s systolic and diastolic pressure. The higher number represents the force exerted when the heart contracts and expels the blood (systolic) and the lower number (diastolic) is determined between beats.
The text below shows the different categories of blood pressure: low, medium and high risk. Please consult a doctor or Medical Care Clinic in HI for an accurate measure of your pressure.
- Low risk is considered 120/80 or lower
- Moderate hypertension is 121 to 139/80 to 89
- High-risk hypertension is anything over 140/90
If a person has diabetes, the reading associated with the high-risk class is slightly lower. Their BP should be 130/80 or less. Please consult a doctor if your BP readings are higher than this value after taking it several times.
Generally, systolic blood pressure for people aged over 80 years should be less than 150. A health care provider will assess the person’s general health before deciding what their appropriate blood pressure should be.
Hypotension occurs when the body’s arterial pressure drops and the heart pumps its blood slower than it normally should. Any BP levels that are below 120/80 are considered normal unless the patient feels dizzy. In this case, a health care provider can help the patient determine if low blood pressure is evident.
How to choose a personal blood pressure monitor?
The American Medical Journal raises awareness about how to measure home blood pressure. A doctor or pharmacist can help each patient choose a monitor and find the cuff size that’s right for them. Some doctors suggest choosing an automated device rather than a manual one.
Tell the doctor or pharmacist if you have cardiac arrhythmia because some devices are not recommended for people with arrhythmias. Click here for more details. Find us on Facebook!