The use of a tummy tuck can be of great benefit to some people who feel their stomach is not the size or shape they want and their muscles are not tight enough to feel comfortable in their skin. The benefits of a tummy tuck can extend far beyond its use for physical reasons and can have a positive effect on the mental health of an individual who may be affected by confidence issues regarding their size and shape. A tummy tuck Chicago residents trust, tightens the muscles of the stomach to leave the body more aesthetically-pleasing and the patient feeling more confident.
The Different Types of Tummy Tuck
There are many different ways a tummy tuck can be completed for the best results for the individual. As the plastic surgery sector has evolved in the last few decades, the different types of surgery have been developed that can have a positive impact on the way surgeries are completed. The different types of tummy tuck in Chicago that take place can take many forms with the mini tuck taking place with a single incision made just above the pubic area. A full tummy tuck is more invasive with a larger u-shaped incision made along with a second incision to allow the skin to be pulled tight.
Confidence is Improved
When a tummy tuck takes place, the confidence of the patient is often improved because their clothes fit and look better. A second benefit is a fact any scarring can usually be hidden beneath a swimsuit bottom. Contact the Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute to learn more about a tummy tuck in Chicago.