If you are having issues relating to your breasts, you might have been considering whether to have your breasts reduced. While this may be daunting for many women, the surgery can actually be quite beneficial for women who are suffering with problems as a result of having overly large breasts. To have the surgery, you will want to locate a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon that performs breast reduction surgeries in Chicago. A skilled surgeon will set your mind at ease, by providing a wealth of information to help you determine whether or not the surgery will be right for your particular situation.
When it comes to cosmetic surgery, many people will always automatically think of breast enhancements rather than reductions. The fact of the matter is that breast reductions are quite common as well, because many women have serious health effects from breasts that are too large. They simply want a way to start feeling good, healthy, and unrestricted again. The pros of having breast reduction surgery include but are not limited to the following:
* Reducing chronic back and neck pain by reducing the weight of your breasts
* Reducing irritation in the skin beneath and between the breasts
* Providing better mobility for movement and posture.
* Smaller and perkier breasts for a better look
Having your breasts reduced is relatively harmless and rarely invasive. But like all surgery, it comes with risks and complications. Before going under the knife it is good to know the risks and to go over them with your surgeon. Although the benefits far outweigh the cons, you should still be informed. The following are risks that could occur from breast reduction surgery:
* Complications from General Anesthetic
* Bleeding or hematoma may occur, but can be controlled easily in most cases.
* The sensation of the nipples may become hypersensitive or numb after the surgery. This can happen quite often, but is rarely serious and the numbness will typically wear off.
* Women with infants may have issues with breastfeeding for a period of time after having the surgery performed.
With every surgery there are always risks involved. However, knowing what the risks are in advance and working to avoid them can make the process easier. If you think that your breasts have been a burden to you for too long, maybe it is time to consider having them reduced.
Dr. Michael Horn is a highly skilled cosmetic surgeon that specializes in breast reduction surgery in Chicago. View his website domain URL for more information about the procedure. Like them on Google +.