Recognizing and Treating Vision Problems in Children

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Eye Care

The best providers of pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids agree that early intervention for vision problems is critical to improving their long-term prognosis. Early intervention is especially important for children. Undetected eye problems can cause physical discomfort and learning issues, but children who are too young to read or go to school are often unaware that they are having trouble seeing. For this reason, parents should incorporate ophthalmology into their children’s medical care.

Screening Young Children

Children usually become aware that they cannot see well when they are learning to read or are struggling to see figures on a blackboard. If your child is not yet of school age, then you should watch for other warning signs. Frequent headaches, squinting to see faraway objects or noticeable clumsiness can all indicate the presence of vision problems. In order to catch any issues early, you should make an appointment for a routine check-up with a provider of pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids.

There are more serious problems that you may also be able to detect at home. Alignment issues such as amblyopia, esotropia, exotropia and hypertropia are sometimes readily apparent, but they can also be detected through play. For example, you can hold a small object in your hand and cover your child’s eyes one at a time. If your child seems able to see the object when the left eye is covered but not the right, the right eye may have a defect, and vice versa.

Pediatric Vision Treatment

During a pediatric eye exam, the doctor will check your child’s near and distance vision and, if necessary, write a prescription that will correct vision to normal. Fortunately, there are many kid-friendly frames available, so your child can pick frames that he or she will enjoy wearing. Your child will require annual check-ups to make sure his or her prescription remains sufficient.

If your child is found to have a more serious eye condition, a qualified practitioner will need to administer treatment. For example, the treatment for amblyopia is to occlude the vision of the stronger eye, making it necessary for the weaker eye to work harder to see. Incorrect execution of this treatment could cause permanent vision damage, so do not attempt to administer it at home. Instead, put your child under the care of a certified provider of pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids.

Seeking pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids is the best way to ensure your child’s lifelong optical health. When you take advantage of pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids, you can help your child be more comfortable and confident.

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