If your child has autism, you may be using facility-based care on a regular basis. This type of care has its benefits, but can also be stressful and expensive for both you and your child. Fortunately, many autistic children benefit from supplementing facility-based care with In Home Applied Behavior Analysis in Miami FL.
Understanding In Home ABA Therapy
ABA refers to a scientific method that allows medical professionals to predict and regulate human behavior. Since ABA is grounded in science, it utilizes evidence that is both observable and empirical. Assessments are taken of the child’s communication, behavioral and cognitive activity levels.
Benefits of In Home ABA Therapy for Autism
Using In Home Applied Behavior Analysis in Miami FL as a treatment plan for autistic children has been found to increase learning. ABA has also been associated with a decrease in certain undesirable behaviors. These benefits are unique to ABA due to the environment that in home ABA creates for a child.
When a child undergoes ABA at home, they are surrounded by an environment that makes them feel safe. It is also a familiar environment for the child. This creates an environment that is ideal for implementing ABA therapies in order to better manage the child’s behavior.
Areas of Improvement With Home-Based ABA
In home ABA services in Miami FL has positive effects for all family members. For parents, ABA at home has been shown to have reduced stress and depression. Overall parental sanctification with the treatment their child is receiving has also been shown to increase with ABA.
As for the child, each of the following skill sets tend to improve with ABA in home therapy techniques:
- Verbal
- Social
- Academics
- Interactions with family
Children undergoing ABA in home therapies also experience a greater level of self-help abilities. They are better able to learn how to use bathrooms and feed themselves when they are using their own bathroom and kitchen. A1A Behavioral Health provides ABA therapy for Miami residents.