If you own a domesticated animal such as a dog or cat, you may have been urged at one point or another to have the dog or cat spayed or neutered. Before you look for a Spay Neuter Maui facility such as ones offered by most veterinarians, it might be a better idea to first understand the procedure and how it can help not only you but your animal. It’s surprising that while many people heard of the term, few people truly know it’s benefits.
When you have your animal spayed or neutered, you are eliminating the animal’s potential to either impregnate female animals or, for females to deliver litters of puppies or kittens. What this does is helps to prevent overpopulation of domestic animals such as dogs and cats as well as other animals but it also avoids the necessity of euthanizing animals in order to control its population. From the standpoint of you as a pet owner, it also eliminates the hassles of trying to figure out what to do with extra puppies and kittens that your animal may have delivered.
In addition to controlling the population and reducing the amount of pets euthanized on a yearly basis, having your dog, cat or other pet spay or neutered actually helps the animal to live longer and healthier. While there are great number of benefits that may not adequately be understood, science does know that these benefits do exist. For example, neutered male pets often have a life expectancy that is 18% longer than unneutered male animals. When it comes to females, life expectancy is 23% longer than females that have not been spayed. In addition to longer lives, animals that have been spayed or neutered often have better overall health than animals that have not undergone this procedure.
With all the benefits to this from your pets standpoint as well as the owner standpoint and by avoiding the need to euthanize hundreds of thousands of animals a year, the Spay Neuter Maui process is something you should consider. Fortunately in the Maui area, you will find a wide range of different qualified and reputable veterinarians that offer this process in a very affordable, less invasive and convenient procedure which is good for you as a pet owner and most importantly good for the comfort of the pet.