What Happens at Your First Chiropractor Visit

by | Aug 13, 2018 | Chiropractic

An experienced, professional chiropractor in Richfield, MN, will do everything possible to offer relief to your symptoms as quickly as manageable. In addition, this person can provide you with advice about how to avoid further back or spine issues. There are many different chiropractic techniques out there, which means you may have questions about what your initial visit will be composed of. We’ll explain the basics in this article.

Initial Chiropractic Visit

You may have a casual interview with your chiropractor in person or over the phone. If this is the case, you can inquire about things like general approach, philosophy, and areas of expertise. However, this does not include the actual clinical exam which will take place later. There are three basic parts to your first clinical appointment, which we will cover below.

Symptoms and History

The first thing you will do when you reach the office of the chiropractor in Richfield, MN, is fill out paperwork. This will vary based on your provider, but you can expect questions like the following:

  • How and when did your pain begin?
  • Where is the location of the pain?
  • Is the pain continual or does it come and go?
  • Is the pain burning, throbbing, sharp, or dull?
  • Was an injury the initial cause of the pain?
  • What activities make the pain worse or better?

You’ll also be asked to fill out paperwork related to your medical history, including current healthcare providers and treatments, pre-existing medical conditions, and previous injuries experienced.

The Initial Exam

During the exam, your chiropractor will test your reflexes, blood pressure, respiration, and pulse. Other tests will be done that determine the following:

  • Tone of your muscle
  • Affected part’s range of motion
  • Strength of muscle
  • Neurological integrity

There may be other testing done in order to asses the injury. This might include moving the area in a certain way, analyzing your posture, or manipulating the body part in pain.

Diagnostic Studies

Not every chiropractor will require extra studies, but it may be needed. This is determined based on the results of the other parts of the appointment. Some of the studies that may be used include MRI and X-ray exams. If an MRI is required, you may need to visit an outside clinic for the testing.

Get Relief Now

If you are experiencing pain in your back or spine, it may be time to speak with a chiropractor. At Vibrant Life Center, we’ll work to provide you with relief for your pain.

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