Why Do Vapers Love VG Based Nicotine?

by | May 13, 2019 | Health, nicotine

The world of e-liquids is a large one and getting larger all the time. New flavours, new strengths, and new ideas keep the market buoyant. Yet there is more than one choice of a base that can be present in these liquids. One of the more popular options is vegetable glycerine. This gives vapers the chance to use VG based nicotine to get the hit they desire.

According to research, seeking help to quit smoking gives you a four-fold greater chance of success. For many, the switch to vaping is most likely to result in that success. Here are some reasons why many vapers choose VG based nicotine for their e-cigarettes.

Less Chance of Side Effects

Side effects from vaping are rare, and they become rarer still when vapers choose vegetable glycerine over the alternative, propylene glycol. Of course, everyone is different, and experimentation may be required for an individual to find the right inhalant.

It Provides a Smoother Vaping Experience

Everyone who vapes wants the experience to be enjoyable. Many say that VG based nicotine is smoother and more palatable. Some say it also tastes sweeter than alternative carriers, regardless of the flavour used with the base.

Research Indicates Vegetable Glycerine is Safe to Use

This is good news for anyone who wants to give up smoking and improve their health. Many studies have shown vegetable glycerine is a safe option for human consumption. Since vaping is also safer than smoking, it is a good combination to try.

VG based nicotine is the ideal choice for vapers who want a good and enjoyable experience whenever they vape. Some will eventually drop the amount of nicotine in the e-liquids they use. It does not matter if they do not, though; it only matters that the experience they have is a positive one.

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