Sinusitis refers to the inflammation of the mucous membranes that cover the inside of the sinuses (bone cavities in the bones of the face). Each sinus communicates with the nasal cavity through a small opening, through which mucus normally flows. Sinusitis becomes chronic when it persists beyond 12 weeks.
In some cases, doctors may decide that Nasal Surgery in Allentown PA is needed.
Chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is responsible for facial pain, an unpleasant posterior discharge, and bronchial super-infections, which are particularly dangerous for asthmatics. This can be caused by environmental causes (especially allergies) and local causes (polyps, fungi, foreign bodies). The treatment is primarily medical when the cause is environmental or diffuse (involves all sinuses), but it becomes surgical when previous medical treatments are ineffective or if the cause is due to dental problems. Visit us for more information.
Endoscopic sinus surgery
Endoscopic Nasal Surgery in Allentown PA is a minimally invasive surgical method that is designed to treat chronic sinusitis and ensures a great chance of recovery. It is done by an endonasal route using optical instruments and consists of expanding the natural sinus orifices by draining the infected cavities. It also helps to correct structural abnormalities of the nose preventing mucus from building up.
It can also be used to remove nasal polyps. The procedure is mostly performed under general anesthesia. Patients should be prepared to stay out of work for 1 to 2 weeks following surgery.
To avoid postoperative bleeding, the surgeon may place “barriers” in the nose, which is removed the day after the procedure. Sports and air travel should be avoided for 15 to 21 days.
Understanding each issue
In the case of sinusitis, doctors will see their patients complain of things like headaches, jaw pressure or pressure above the eyes, nasal congestion, increased production of mucus, diminution of smell, nasal discharge, etc. A sinus intervention is often called FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery). It is an intervention that is performed when drug treatments no longer help.
During this procedure, one or more sinuses are opened and enlarged to allow the surgeon to “resect” the diseased mucous membranes. The sinuses are located between the eyes and below the brain, which makes this procedure tricky. For this reason, many precautions are taken.
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