Why an Alzheimer’s Nursing Care is Important

by | Sep 7, 2022 | Assisted Living

Alzheimer’s is hard for someone to deal with. When you finally make that choice for a family member that they need to go to an Alzheimer’s Nursing Care in Orlando FL, you may find a sense of relief. A patient with this illness needs all the care they can get.

One on One Time

Some families may feel guilty at first for bringing their loved one to a facility like this, but after they realize certain advantages it gets easier. Dealing with someone who has Alzheimer’s isn’t easy. Those patients need one on one time, as well as group settings. The time spent alone with a patient is going to give them a chance to be themselves and feel like they matter. A group setting is equally important, but having individualized sessions is something each patient can benefit from.

Games and Activities

If there is one thing that is beneficial for a patient with Alzheimer’s it’s getting their brain working. At a facility, there are board games, cards, and other activities that get the patient thinking. It’s important to keep that brain as strong as possible. There are even days where the patients will be able to go for a short stroll around the outside of the facility with staff. Exercise, even if it’s light, is something that each patient needs.

Can You Really Handle All of This at Home?

When deciding if you should keep your loved one at home with you, it’s important to look at the facts. Although you could care for and love your family member, they deserve special care. The staff is trained on how to deal with outbursts, memory issues, and more. You owe it to yourself and your family member to give them the proper care. Between work and your own family, there isn’t much time left for one on one sessions.

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